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Bright Ideas: Reducing Energy Cost and Consumption

As energy costs continue to rise, and energy concerns make the headlines on a seemingly daily basis, it has become increasingly important that South Carolinians take the steps necessary to reduce energy usage at home and in the workplace.

Making sensible energy choices not only helps reduce our monthly bills, it also helps to conserve natural resources and reduce the impact energy use has on the environment. By following the simple solutions listed below, we can all help to reduce energy usage.

Reducing Energy Usage In The Workplace

  • Computer Use – To reduce the amount of energy consumed by computer use, shut off workstations at night unless instructed otherwise by your IT staff. In addition, consider setting computers to either the "sleep" or "hibernate" modes. Both allow the stations to use less power during periods of inactivity.
  • Lighting – Turn off lights in all rooms when not in use, especially in areas such as break rooms and conference rooms. This is one of the easiest ways to save energy, but one which often goes overlooked.
  • Light Bulbs – Consider switching to energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFL). CFLs use up to 75 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and will last up to 10 times longer. "Making the switch" is a simple and effective way of reducing energy usage.
  • Printing –  To save resources, refrain from printing documents as often and rely on electronic copies when possible. When printing, consider using recycled paper. 

Light bulbReducing Energy Usage At Home

  • Air Conditioning – The cost of heating and cooling a home accounts for your largest energy expense. To help control these costs, ensure your unit is running efficiently by having your AC/heat pump inspected by a professional. In addition, you should also consider setting your thermostat to 78°F or higher during the summer months. Studies have shown that consumers can save three to five percent on air conditioning costs for each degree you raise the thermostat. 
  • Appliances – When making your next purchase, consider purchasing Energy Star appliances. These appliances can significantly lower the operating cost of your unit. Also, contrary to popular opinion, using a dishwasher actually uses less water than washing by hand. This is especially true considering that many leave the water running while washing.
  • Heating – There are several ways to save on heating costs during the winter months. One such way is by ensuring that doors and windows are "draft-free". If cold air is getting into your house, you may want to consider additional insulation or weatherstripping windows.
  • Laundry – With the exception of very dirty loads, consider washing laundry in cold water instead of hot. In addition, only wash full loads and to increase efficiency, be sure to clean your dryer's lint filter after every load.
  • Lighting – Be sure to turn off any unnecessary lights. Its been estimated that one 100-watt bulb left on all night can raise your utility bill approximately $25 over the course of a year.
  • Light Bulbs – As mentioned in the workplace section, consider switching to energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFL) to substantially reduce the amount of energy used to light your house.
  • Water – According to the South Carolina Energy Office, the water heater is the second largest energy user in the home. With this in mind, you can reduce your water costs by turning down your water heater's thermostat to 120°F, by taking shorter showers and by installing a water-saving shower head.

Reducing energy consumption – at home and in the workplace – does not require a substantial change in lifestyle, nor does it require a large investment of time or money. By following the simple solutions provided above, we can all make more sensible energy choices and in the process, reduce the impact our usage has on the environment.

For additional tips, tools and ideas on how to reduce your energy costs, please visit the South Carolina Energy Office Web site.