Sample Letter A
Response to Stigmatizing Portrayal

Your Name
Your Address
City State Zip Code



Mr. Michael Smith
Executive Editor
The State
P.O. Box 1333
Columbia, SC 29202-1333


Dear Mr. Smith:

I read your column May 28 about the woman who had a bad experience with the police.  This woman also happened to have a mental health problem, and you referred to her a number of times as being a "lunatic."

I want you to know I appreciate your discussing mental health, but I hope the next time you write about the issue you will reconsider your choice of words.  A more appropriate term for "lunatic" is to address the woman as "an individual with a mental health problem."

I hope this will help you in the future.


Your name
Media Watch

c:  Mental Health Association in S.C.




Sample Letter B
Response to Stigmatizing Portrayal

Your Name
Your Address
City State Zip Code



Mr. Fred Lang
News Director, WIS-TV
P.O. Box 367
Columbia, SC 29202


Dear Mr. Lang:

On Sunday, May 2, you aired a program called "Caring for a Career." In it you profiled the work of a psychiatric nurse. During your profile, you talked about people with mental health problems as "chronic mental patients."

Using this terminology is not appropriate, because it perpetuates the stigma that exists around mental health problems. First, it identifies a person solely by his mental health status; second, it equates having a mental health problem with having to be hospitalized, and finally it implies that people cannot recover from their mental health problems.

According to statistics, one in five people will experience a temporary mental health problem in their lifetime, yet we live in a society which doesn't talk about mental health problems. These problems could range from situational depression, high levels of stress in the workplace or within the family, and emotional disorders due to abuse, to induced trauma, depression, schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder (manic depression). Some people may find hospital treatment necessary, but any one of us could be hospitalized, for a variety of reasons. The majority of people with mental health difficulties do not require continuous hospitalization.

I appreciate that you opened up this very important issue. Indeed, mental health should be a concern for all of us. However, I hope you will be more accurate and sensitive in your portrayal of mental health issues and people who experience mental health problems in the future.

I hope you will address this on your next "Caring for a Career" program. I look forward to your response.


Your name
Media Watch

c:  S. C. SHARE




Sample Letter C
Positive Response to Non-stigmatizing Portrayal

Your Name
Your Address
City State Zip Code



Mr. Victor Brady
General Manager
WTCB FM 106.7
P.O. Box 5106
Columbia, SC 29250


Dear Mr. Brady:

I was listening to your program April 26, when you covered a day in the life of someone with schizophrenia.

I appreciate how accurately and sensitively you portrayed "Michelle." You showed a very positive and realistic view of her life, and put her mental illness in perspective with the rest of her life. Indeed, she has a very interesting and fulfilling life!

Thank you for airing this balanced profile. I'm sure it has helped to educate many people as to the reality of life for Michelle, her family, friends and many others in South Carolina.


Your name
Media Watch

c:  NAMI-South Carolina



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